London Police Train in-house with state-of-the-art firearms training simulator

LONDON KY—Annual firearms training with the London Police Department (LPD) goes beyond the range with a state-of-the-art indoor firearms training simulator provided by the Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services. Certified TI Training instructors, Sgt. Travis Hurley and Ofc. Justin Roby work together to offer the training to not only the LPD but also three other law enforcement agencies.

“It’s an excellent training for both new and veteran officers,” Sgt. Hurley said.

Each officer is provided a Glock .22 similar to what they carry on the job, only it is equipped with a CO2 cartridge. They are exposed to 10 scenarios that include facing hostile individuals, domestic complaints, active shooter situations, and home invasions. During the training, the instructors provide a brief message similar to what they’d receive from Dispatch and once the scenario begins, officers must react to everything on the screen as if they are on-scene.

Each time an officer completes a scenario, KRS 503.090 (1) and (2) shows up on the screen. This law explains what lawful use of deadly and physical force is. Then the screen goes dark and “Justify your actions” appears. The variety of scenarios officers are placed in during the simulator are based on real-life events that officers have experienced across the U.S. The body cam footage of those situations are included in the training. In some instances, officers who recorded the footage didn’t survive the event.

“This is a simulated training, but by doing the role-playing you become immersed into an event like an actual call of service,” Sgt. Hurley said.

As a host agency, the LPD offers the training to the Williamsburg, Pineville, and Middlesboro Police Departments. The simulator is scheduled to the leave the LPD this week to travel to the Richmond Police Department.

For more information about the London Police Department, visit, call 606-878-7004 or follow the Department’s activities through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram.